Israel to present Second National Communication on Climate Change at Cancun Climate Change Conference

Israel to present Second National Communication on Climate Change at Cancun Climate Change Conference

    The report relates to Israel's special circumstances, its national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, and national policy on mitigation and adaptation.

    (Communicated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection)

    Israel's Second National Communication to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change summarizes climate change activities in Israel over the past decade.
    - Full report (pdf)

    The report relates to Israel's special circumstances, its national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, national policy on mitigation and adaptation, and more. It looks at developments in the field of climate change since the submission of Israel's first national report to the United Nations exactly ten years ago, in November 2000.

    Israel's Second National Communication will be distributed at the Climate Change Conference which convenes in Cancun, Mexico from November 29 to December 10, 2010. The report was prepared as part of Israel's commitment under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    The Second National Communication on Climate Change surveys the following subjects:

    • Israel's national inventory of greenhouse gases for the years 2000 and 2003-2007.
    • Climate change related policies and measures.
    • Anticipated impacts of climate change on Israel and recommendations on adaptation measures.
    • Israel's emission forecasts and mitigation options as identified by two independent studies (the Heifetz study and the McKinsey report).
    • Israel's financial contribution, technology transfer and international cooperation related to climate change.
    • Research and observation efforts in Israel, focusing on climate change impacts and renewable energy.
    • Environmental and climate change education, training and public awareness.
    • Mitigation and adaptation challenges.